Jack Micheline, the popular S.F. artist and street poet, has published fourteen books of prose and poetry. He was recognized for Most Valuable Performance at the Kerouac Conference in Boulder. Colorado in 1982. Jack Kerouac wrote the introduction to his first book, and his poetry has been praised by a generation of writers and critics such as Dorothy Parker. Charles Bukowski, Charles Mingus, Allen Ginsberg, and Ken Kesey. Jack passed away in 1998.
“I don’t want to be published because I wear the same clothes that others wear, or because I have the same ideas. I want respect for my own individuality, but it doesn’t work that way.”
-Jack Micheline
“Micheline sees beauty. Loves life. Testifies to the fallen world made pure through the eyes of a child, eyes of a poet, the vision of a man with the courage to love this modern mess and fill life with song.”
-Bruce Isaacson